Does My Business Need A Website?

Many owners of traditional business find it difficult to comprehend that their business may need a website to support their activities. For many the idea of building and maintaining a website is beyond them, and therefore tend to put off developing a website that can enhance their online presence.Traditionally people would look for businesses in a telephone book or even the Yellow Pages, however that has all changed. Nobody uses these anymore as everything is now found on their mobile phone. It is just simpler and easier.

The question you need to ask is how do my customers find my business? What about new customers?

A website is a very cost effective means of advertising your website, as well as being easy to modify to maximise your business potential online.

7 Key Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website

1. Purchasing online is a growing percentage of all transactions

According to, online shopping and e-commerce is thriving in the recent years. In 2013, 41% of Internet users all over the world have at least purchased one item online. The total worldwide sales of E-commerce for the last year have amounted to ~$1,400 billion. This means that online businesses are enjoying this benefit of convenience in buying items online. This benefit is not only restricted to such businesses, as other businesses who have operational websites can have an increased chances of sales and profit by doing so.

  • Online purchasing is now common place
  • Purchasing online is easier than almost any other way

One of the perks of having a business website is actually based on the fact that everything is more convenient over the Internet. Transactions done over the Internet are much easier compared to any other way, and are fast becoming the norm.

If you intent for your business to make sales online make it easy for your customers to purchase the products or services from you.


2. Customers research online

Today many customers make their purchasing decisions well before they are anywhere near your actual store. They may still come to the store to conduct the actual purchase, but they have already made the buying decision online. You may be losing sales to your competition if you don’t have an actual website that ranks and your customers can find. Finding your website is not enough, they then need to be able find what the