It is difficult to believe that some corporations make so many mistakes on their digital strategy. But the truth is, they do. These are the most common.

1. Lack of a purpose

One of the main problems in business websites is usually the lack of a clear purpose or objective. What is the main purpose of the website? Generate leads, getting subscribers or encouraging downloads of catalogues? And more importantly, what do you want your customers to do when they are on your website? For a user, there is nothing more frustrating that finding a product or a service that they like and being unable to act on it.

Without defining the purpose, you will not be able to optimise the website to reach to your customers, and therefore it won’t matter if they are willing to buy from you.

2. A complicated navigation

This is one of the most important aspects, if you want your customers to understand your company and finding what you are selling to them. In many cases, a website structure has been created based on the internal structure of the organisation, rather than with the visitor’s point of view. Businesses have to think about the user when defining what content to put on the website and how to organise it.

3. Bad user experience

A very serious error is not to take into account the user experience when designing a website. If you are worried about your website not being so easy to use, a usability test can be done. This will help to check no serious errors on your website that may affect your visitors experience.

The satisfaction of visitors to your website is essential if you want to be successful. A badly designed site, inadequate menus or other aspects related to usability can make users leave your website even if they are interested in your product.

4. Unsuitable language

When it comes to language, we must always think about the user and we must bear in mind that in some cases, she might not use a language as technical as that of professionals.

Also, remember that very long paragraphs that can be used in professional reports or catalogues are not suitable for a website. The readability on the screen is different from paper, so texts must be adapted to this type of reading.

5. SEO not done properly

This is a serious problem if you have not optimised the web for SEO, you cannot have enough traffic to make your website profitable. You may also have gone overboard optimising it and the result can also be counterproductive. Google can penalise you and do real harm to your brand.

6. Site not updated regularly

It is more important than you think, a website that hasn’t been updated does not give a good image. For example, you enter a website and the last post of the blog was written 2 years ago. What’s your first thought? A neglected company? All this is part the image you want to give to your customers.

7. Use of low-quality images

A company can launch a stunning website that is very well made, with beautiful and good quality pictures. Then on the day-to-day maintenance, images are needed for the blog or for the addition of new products, and it turns out that these are of low-quality, giving a very poor impression.

It is important to train the staff that will maintain the website, so that when you have to change texts or add content, they can do it correctly and in accordance with the brand and design that you already had. They can learn how to use the same CSS style and structure, so the new content can still look professional.

8. A no responsive website

You never know what device your ideal customer will use to get to your website. Mobile phone access to the internet is growing exponentially. You must adapt your content to all available devices (phone, tablets and desktops). Responsive design is imperative in today’s websites. If this is not taken into account, you may be losing more customers than you think.

9. Legal notice and data protection

You’ll need to have the privacy policy and term & conditions pages, updated according to current regulations. Create the necessary mechanisms so that users feel safe and trust in the treatment you make of their data.

10. Not having calls to action

A website with texts and images but without calls to action, does not help users understand what it is you want from them, and the website won’t be effective.

Including these elements is vital to improve the conversion of your website.

If you want to know what problems your website is facing and how to improve it, get in touch.